If you need instant money but have a poor credit history, rest assured slick cash loan would cater to your specific needs. They offer no credit check loans to meet your monetary requirements without any hassle, and these particular loans would be given for a short duration. However, these loans would serve your purpose as a credit card does, without credit checks’ bad feelings and hassles. If you feel it is an excellent option for you, let us take you through the process and the information you would require to acquire instant cash.
Poor Credit Is Not An Issue
A significant issue with people having bad credit would be their failure to qualify for credit cards, and they would lack the means to seek a personal loan. Such types of financing rely immensely on credit checks to determine if you would seek the desired money. Therefore, people with bad credit history would be denied a personal loan option immediately, and they might also be offered a relatively higher rate of interest. Rest assured that seeking a personal loan would no longer be a relief for people with bad credit history.
However, no credit check loans tend to work differently. As the name suggests, such loans would not require the borrower to undergo a credit check to seek a loan. Moreover, the fixed interest rates and the principal amount to be loaned to be determined based on your income would be a boon for the borrower. Consequently, having a bad credit history would not affect your ability to seek a loan.
What Qualifications Should You Meet?
Not all could seek a loan without any qualifications. It would be pertinent to mention that no credit check loans would simplify the required qualification criteria. If you meet their requirements, you will receive the loan with instant access to the money. Find below a few basic qualifications for no credit check loan:
- Proof of citizenship or permanent residency
- Proof of age – more than 18 years old
- Proof of bank account – current or savings
- Proof of steady paycheck for six months in a regular employment
If you have the required documentation supporting the needed qualifications, it would be easier for you to seek a no-credit-check loan. As you have provided your bank details along with the routing number, as an integral aspect of the application process, your funds will be deposited directly into your account after approval of the loan, enabling you to make the most of instant access to the desired money.
What Should You Expect?
A no credit check loan has been different from the other available standard loans such as student loans, home loans, and auto loans. Instead, such loans would be given for a short duration and relatively low principal amounts. Such loans are known as payday loans for a reason mentioned above. They have been equal to a single payday worth of cash and repaid within one to two days. Therefore, when applying for a credit check loan, the borrower’s proof of employment is vital.
A Superb Alternative
People with a bad credit history should not feel lost, as a no credit check loan would offer instant access to the desired money. With limited options with credit cards and other traditional loans, a no credit check loan is a boon for the person in need of money.